Kentucky's legislature recently replaced a school financing system declared unconstitutional by its high court with a formula that sets a uniform base spending level for all pupils.
Hoping to avoid a recurrence, the legislature abolished the military and replaced it with a national police force, which has been carefully circumscribed.
The new legislature would replace the county's Board of Supervisors, made up of six members elected by its three towns and two cities.
The legislature has replaced the entire trash authority board and changed it so the governor now names only 3 of its 11 members.
After the victory of Loktantra Andolan in the spring of 2006, a unicameral interim legislature replaced the previous parliament.
A provisional legislature put together by China will replace it.
The legislature had replaced the electric chair with gas, and would later adopt lethal injection as its mode of capital punishment.
The new legislature will replace a provisional body, which Beijing installed moments after the hand-over and which was widely perceived as a rubber stamp.
Through the 1840s a formal legislature of the Hawaiian Kingdom and cabinet (government) replaced the informal council of chiefs.