"Our view," said one United States government official, "was that it was mostly involved in carrying legitimate cargo."
The legitimate cargoes are transferred to lorries.
Trap Doors First used by drug gangs, these discreet compartments can keep illegal contraband (or legitimate cargo, should the need arise) safe and out of sight.
Methamphetamine transported via tractor-trailer frequently is commingled with legitimate cargo including furniture and produce.
The passenger compartment was fitted with seats and the boarding party's equipment loaded into the cargo hold along with a full shipment of legitimate cargo.
All the legitimate cargo was properly stowed away in 55GZ, and all the other cargo was divided up into man-sized loads.
Inside the New Californian system the coils were a legitimate cargo, no matter the misleading coding.
The legitimate cargo was then loaded on board and the Queen shoved off for Ceylon.
Local shipowners who resented the Charisians for taking "their" legitimate cargoes.
While he often carried legitimate cargo, he just as often smuggled tea and rum.