"Some of them come on legitimate errands and give us a lot of assistance."
He did not slip and it was not furtive, he told himself angrily--and knew that it was; even though he walked through the lobby of the Enright House and rode up in an elevator, like any man on a legitimate errand.
It's platinum and germanium, sheets of it, stuffed wherever they could when they came aboard on legitimate errands, and when they drugged whoever was on the dogwatch.
I was down in the actors' territory on a legitimate errand, of course.
Could someone have sneaked into the house after you admitted Marshall on his legitimate errand?
But if 1 tried to intercept her looks, they slid away and she had some legitimate errand that had brought her up to the vicinity of the desk.
There was the chance, of course, that someone would happen along on a legitimate errand and wonder why the door was in use.
They looked at him sharply, but let him go: he was a man in uniform, moving as if he had a legitimate errand.
The tramp ship could have no legitimate errand in view.
On a legitimate errand, Flandry would have gone back for reinforcements.