To him, this is a legitimate expression of Christological truth.
Still, there was in essence little difference; both were legitimate expressions of the town's sentiments.
Public political demonstrations are considered legitimate expressions of free speech.
To do otherwise was to risk driving underground legitimate political expression, which would create worse problems in the long run.
No harm has ever come to me or my property, and much of the criticism is rooted in the legitimate expression of political differences.
As such, it is a legitimate expression of antiwar sentiment.
Moreover, its deterrent effect on legitimate expression in the form of movies is both real and substantial.
It would likely result in the takedown of what might otherwise be perfectly legitimate free expression.
It must not be used as an excuse to launch us down the slippery slope of restricting legitimate expression.
Cunningham's novel suggests, to some extent, that perceived mental illness can be a legitimate expression of perspective.