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Once scorned, ghostwriting has been embraced as a legitimate (and lucrative) pursuit by many writers.
After 1964, cosmology, the study of the origin and development of the universe, which physicists had been very wary of, was suddenly a legitimate pursuit.
"Intellectual debate on whether business is a legitimate pursuit of knowledge has been settled a long time ago everywhere else."
Historical revisionism is a legitimate academic pursuit.
A. Actually, early in his career, Gehry was one of the few "high architects" who saw shopping as a legitimate pursuit.
The legitimate pursuit of competing interests can balance and preserve social and organisational arrangements.
One reason for the new intensity in the exploration of childhood friendship is its relative novelty as a legitimate pursuit of psychological research.
And then there is a more fundamental problem: Lobbying is a perfectly legitimate pursuit.
Spock wondered what this exceptional woman could have made of herself if she had put her effort into a legitimate pursuit.
Why are you interfering with a vessel in the legitimate pursuit of business?