"I've been close to putting it together, being in the hunt where I could legitimately win," Woods said.
Might Clinton have become a popular president not by brainwashing the nation but by legitimately winning the public's support?
"Clarence giving us that lift really gave us a chance to legitimately win, not just hang on."
When was the last time a team from outside Milan legitimately won the Serie A title?
Still, in a telling contrast with the 2000 election, 82 percent of respondents said that Mr. Bush legitimately won on Nov. 2.
"Your overly thorough healers deprived me of the battle scars I won legitimately at the Korvat conference."
Now, Mr. Gore is using the rule of law to determine if he legitimately won Florida's 25 electoral votes and with that, the presidency.
The shame of the Bowe bouts was that Golota was legitimately winning both.
Chenault has refused to return the award to the GMA; she would legitimately win the next three consecutive awards in this category.
Being a professional wrestling championship it is not won legitimately; it is instead won via a scripted ending to a match.