The main floor includes reference books, current and bound periodicals, government documents, microform, maps, leisure reading, and audio/visual materials.
There are comfortable chairs by a fireplace to encourage leisure reading and relaxation.
Even his leisure reading tends to be laden with policy content.
It would provide purposeful leisure reading and a measure of self-education through real books, written by acknowledged practitioners or experts.
Leisure reading: There isn't much time for leisure reading, frankly.
The tradition of leisure reading, however, is still provided for with a large collection of detective stories and best-sellers of various genres.
It has facilities for study, research, leisure reading, class preparation, and Internet access for students.
Under apartheid, blacks had little education and now have no particular tradition of leisure reading nor much money.
Boys value reading less and, as previously stated, spend less time in leisure reading.
Both the Saxtorphs spent a considerable amount of their leisure reading, she more than he.