At first the witch doctor looked as if he could hardly believe Tom would lend him such a powerful charm.
He looked at her and smiled slightly, the smile lending his face a certain boyish charm.
He rubbed his cheek and a crooked grin lent him a certain charm.
Okay, so his exuberant spirits lent him a superficial charm.
Although construction work prevented us from looking inside, seeing it four months short of completion lent a goofy charm.
Her presence lends to the City of Books a charm which seems to hover about it even after she has gone.
Other residents agreed that the number of ducks should be reduced but felt that they lent charm to the community.
His hair fell in waves over his forehead, lending a boyish charm.
"He has the graphic touch that lends charm as well as authenticity to a layout."
She's rather shy, which lends her a certain charm.