A change of cast and debuts lent needed coherence to the 1963 "Circe" with its siren song of a textured score by Alan Hovhaness.
Many of the sound bites, so to speak, were intriguing, but the whole sounded as though it needed the accompaniment of an enigmatic animated film short to lend coherence.
The letters of British ambassadors at Paris, Dresden, Berlin, Hanover, Leipzig, Florence, St. Petersburg, lend colour and coherence.
Nor does his sleep lend order, coherence, or chronology to what he witnesses.
All of these experiences are defined by a series of discursive lines which lend thematic coherence" MACBA Website.
Their greatest challenge will be to lend coherence to Israel's dual identity as a state that is both Jewish and democratic.
"Indeed, I believe the assertion that there is such a doctrine lends greater coherence to the administration's policies than they deserve."
The Committee on Transport and Tourism has opted to give its opinion with a conclusion and without amendments, in order to lend coherence to the overall proposal.
Other amendments have been added to lend further coherence to the new elements introduced into the common position by the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol.
This lends coherence to wild disjunctures of photographic and painted elements, with pleasures of tonic color and cunning texture that stagger the eye and stir the soul.