It also lends weight to the argument that contemporary horses may be faster but are more fragile.
It could lend weight to the argument that life on earth may have been seeded from space.
That lends weight to the argument.
Erm, but, you know, which lent a certain point to the whole argument.
The degree of consistency over the years lends considerable credence to the argument that soil is paramount in making great wine.
This lends weight to the argument that the name Earn therefore comes from Eireann, in other words "the loch of the Irish".
Combined, these two deficiencies lent credence to the argument that the iPad was just a novelty - more toy than serious computing tool.
The reason why I mention these points is just to lend some balance to the argument.
Within the Conservative Party the Gulf crisis lent weight to the argument that a leadership challenge would be inappropriate.
The general principle of equal treatment, as we have elaborated it, lends itself to the argument for limiting freedom of speech.