If a lender accepts, the deal is struck and the deposit is applied to the usual fees, like the appraisal.
This means the lenders must accept that some of their loans will never be repaid, and the borrower is freed of its debts.
So lenders are accepting records of continuously paid utility bills as evidence of creditworthiness.
The advantage of Liberty Bonds to borrowers is that lenders accept lower interest rates because the proceeds are exempt from federal, state and city taxes.
Last spring, the lenders finally accepted $175 million for $580 million in debts and let the Crows keep the property.
These negotiations have been running for several weeks - with apparent deadlock over the issue of the 'haircut' which lenders will accept.
For one thing, to go around and ask lenders to accept less favorable refinancing was not something it felt comfortable doing.
Mr. Dowd said the lenders knew they were estimates and accepted them as such because they understood the extremely fluid nature of the real estate market.
It is often possible, however, to convince the lender and title insurance company to accept an old survey that has been updated to reflect present conditions.
So, with a higher price the lender can accept customers with a higher probability of going "bad" and can move the cut-off down.