The rental value is the income the lender would expect if it foreclosed on a defaulting borrower.
Banks and other lenders, meanwhile, can expect to benefit from a mortgage rate increase.
Your lender will expect you to have buildings insurance in place for the date of completion.
But lenders expect the numbers will go up across the country even if they never hit crisis levels.
And, with borrowers and lenders expecting that dollars borrowed today will be worth less tomorrow, interest rates climb.
In return for lending money to the borrower, the lender will expect some compensation in the form of interest or dividends.
If you want a mortgage, the lender will expect you to have buildings cover in place.
Therefore the lender may charge a higher interest rate and expect a higher down payment.
The Bank reported that lenders expected this trend to improve in the coming months.
Had the lender expected the debt to be passed down from generation to generation, you would have been asked to co-sign the loan.