Your lender will be looking for a strong managerial presence.
What do lenders look for in a loan applicant?
Often lenders look back up to 10 years, he says.
Given the sluggish market, the consensus of experts was that lenders would be looking for more than the benchmark return of 9 percent.
Your credit score is essentially a report card of your financial health that lenders look at when you want to borrow money.
When a small business requests a loan, one of the first things a lender looks at is personal and business credit history.
So lenders will be looking closely at your education and experience as well as that of your key managers.
But some lenders are still looking the other way.
Your lender may not look like a warrior, but make no mistake, he's embattled.
Potential investors and lenders will look closely at your business plan to help them decide whether to risk their money.