You will need to consider carefully all the terms of any lending agreement, particularly as the loan period may be for 15 years or more.
Yesterday, United softened its earlier statements that the new lending agreement prohibited it from making its pension contributions.
These proposals will become a lending agreement for the local government.
The refinancing and the renegotiation of the original lending agreement are, he said, "a clear admission that all was not going according to plan."
Continental poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the firm to keep it afloat, but violated a lending agreement with its regulators in the process.
The investors also charge that Citicorp planted land mines in the lending agreement.
The lending agreements called for all disputes between the borrower and lender to be settled in arbitration.
After a series of disclosures about questionable lending agreements, Adelphia was granted an extension to complete its report, and that extension expires today.
After being rocked by a series of disclosures about questionable lending agreements, Adelphia was granted an extension to complete its report.
Getting banks lending is about net lending agreements and about actually getting the money out of the banks into business.