It may be worth paying a bit extra for luxuries such as a personal service or a special lending facility.
The archive does not operate a lending facility but students and private researchers can use the resource upon appointment.
While composed mainly of reference material it also has a substantial lending facility which began in 2005.
According to the minutes of the meeting, some people in attendance expressed support for the lending facility.
Along with the rate reduction, the central bank said it would establish a standby lending facility for commercial banks at the new discount rate.
Gives financial assistance to new, expanding and existing businesses in Tennessee that do not have reasonable access to capital markets and traditional commercial lending facilities.
It could also lend through the discount window or other lending facilities, providing credit to distressed financial institutions on easier terms.
There is another lending facility within the Archive of mainly Australian films which on different terms are also available for screening.
As the size and operations of money changers grew they began to provide a lending facility, hiding the interest rate in foreign exchange rate transaction.
Lending limits are often suspended to the discount houses and do not count against their agreed lending facility with the Bank.