Carried out on the scale of a Hollywood epic, this lengthy ceremony involved thousands of lanterns, illusionistic columns and a huge tabernacle, among other things.
The firing squad, with its usual solemn and lengthy ceremony was used infrequently, with the most common method being the unexpected firing of a pistol bullet into the back of the head.
Gravely he went through that somewhat lengthy ceremony.
By custom, internment was not a lengthy ceremony on Altair.
Eight new banners were raised to the rafters during a lengthy and loud ceremony before the Red Wings' home opener against Dallas.
"Perhaps a wardess of the Star might be able to do so, but it would require a lengthy ceremony, one we could not conceal."
A brief moment of excitement in the lengthy ceremony came when Mr. Rabin had accepted his prize and started to return to his seat.
In the Tibetan tradition, 'dutsi' is made during drubchens - lengthy ceremonies involving many high lamas.
The lengthy ceremony of closing ends with the installation of a cover, which has to be strong enough to prevent well-fed Long Islanders from falling right through.
That sounds a might more empirical than the process here at The Week Ahead, which involves a lengthy ceremony involving chicken feathers and goat's blood and much crossing of the fingers.