There is some evidence that lengthy daily exposure to moderately high lighting leads to diminished sexual performance.
EPROM-based firmware can be erased and reprogrammed, but only after lengthy exposure to a high-intensity ultraviolet light source.
This is quite different from the lengthy exposure to much lower levels which people receive from the nuclear industry.
Yellowed lenses may be restored to their original colorless state with lengthy exposure to intense UV light.
Paula had been told that lengthy exposure dimmed awareness of the odor.
It assumes in students lengthy exposure to the study of English and some experience (which may be quite limited) of teaching and coaching individuals and small groups.
Film grain is not affected by exposure time, although the apparent speed of the film changes with lengthy exposures, a phenomenon known as reciprocity failure.
A period of intense or lengthy light exposure should be balanced out with periods of low exposure.
While short-term bursts of glucocorticoids are beneficial and can help individuals cope in stressful situations, lengthy exposure can be harmful.
Regular overexposure to sun can cause cataracts 8-10 years early, and a single lengthy exposure can actually burn your corneas.