That night he went into his study, and wrote some lengthy notes, and set them aside.
In the production book, along with the diagrams showing the stage blocking, there are lengthy notes about each character's motivations.
Earlier this week, our colleagues in the news department published a lengthy note from the editors reviewing the paper's coverage.
He took the items that appeared in the seneschal's gloved hands and scribbled a lengthy note.
They left behind a lengthy note and a small town filled with saddened people.
He paused to reread a paragraph of the lengthy note.
Here he secured writing materials and wrote a moderately lengthy note, with much care.
The lengthy notes at the end of the book are not to be skipped.
But the congratulations card in yesterday's mail, along with the lengthy hand-written note, had told Decker his parents had received the news and were excited.
They had spent hours watching the videos of his first effort, and each had prepared lengthy notes of ways to improve his performance.