Mr. Bloomberg has introduced legislation to ban smoking in all public places, including bars and restaurants, which currently operate under more lenient laws.
Virginia thus has more lenient laws on cultivation than even California.
Many addicts are in their teens, attracted by the low prices and lenient laws.
Supporters of stricter gun contol laws contend that making guns more available through more lenient laws leads to higher murder rates.
Some drivers commit forms of address fraud in order to take advantage of lenient laws in a jurisdiction where they do not really live.
Tucson residents protested lenient laws against convicted child molesters, some wearing yellow ribbons in hopes of Vicki's safe return.
Because of more lenient laws at that time, Couey was released early.
She goes on to attribute the behavior to lenient Mexican laws concerning rape.
Companies concede that the lenient laws have stimulated abuses.
It is a huge misconception that Ann Arbor has very lenient laws regarding the possession of marijuana.