Nearby, a 12-year-old Yemeni girl's eyes lit up when she saw Ms. Dunlap's fake leopard-skin coat.
Mrs. Mill's reasoning was that if women owned domestic pets that looked like leopards, they would not wear leopard-skin coats.
She rode around in limousines and wore a leopard-skin coat.
Conservation propaganda has made fashionable women genuinely ashamed to be seen wearing a leopard-skin coat.
Nicole followed slightly after the two of them, her hands in the pockets of her long leopard-skin coat.
He abruptly leaves the performance, and upon collecting his coat is presented with a woman's leopard-skin coat.
For the umpteenth time the leopard-skin coat which she wore slung about her shoulders slid to the carpet.
Across the way, a woman in a leopard-skin coat has leaped from her dented Mercedes and points accusingly at the hippie.
He's driving around in a wig and leopard-skin coat.
One was a gentleman attired in a full-dress suit; the other a lady who wore a magnificent leopard-skin coat.