Such proteins can increase astrocyte proliferation and can also lead to cell death, thus exacerbating cellular damage at the lesion site.
Treated systematically, possible lesion sites causing foot drop include (going from peripheral to central):
Interventional procedures have been plagued by restenosis due to the formation of endothelial tissue overgrowth at the lesion site.
First, it is difficult to find homogeneous groups of patients in terms of lesion site and symptom variability.
They are a potent initiator of sensory axon growth and are up-regulated at the lesion site.
Once the compression has relieved, regeneration of axons from the lesion site begins.
Often lesions damage the connections of other systems that happen to pass through the lesion site.
Typically, at the end of an experiment the animals are killed, their brains removed and thin sections cut through the lesion sites.
The critical lesion site responsible for the syndrome has been debated for more than a decade.
Furthermore, lesioning may interfere with pathways that span the lesion site.