The fund, despite its less-than-stellar performance, is trading at a rich premium - 16.2 percent on Jan. 29.
And after moaning a bit about their less-than-stellar performance in recent games, they agreed to try to play a round together.
His less-than-stellar performance earned him punishments such as being forced to sit for hours in the girls' corner wearing a dunce cap.
After a less-than-stellar performance over the last two years, they held up well in the first months of this tough year.
The loss and his less-than-stellar performance ruined Van Horn's first professional game in the state of his collegiate glory.
He was a hero after the game, and he even managed to poke some fun at his less-than-stellar performance in previous games of the series.
The mounting injuries and the less-than-stellar performances have led him to consider quitting, and turning his attention to auto racing.
The less-than-stellar performance still beat last year's 1.7 increase for November, though retailers finished with an overall 6.7 percent increase for that season.
Later in spring training, after some less-than-stellar performances, Robinson was shifted from shortstop to second base, allowing him to make shorter throws to first base.
During the heady days of the music business, less-than-stellar performance might be overlooked.