Archer felt the tension in his shoulders lessen slightly.
Her tension lessened slightly when she replied, "My mother gave it to me."
The mundane information calmed her, and she felt the mental probing lessen slightly.
Hunch's scowl lessened slightly during this speech, but his expression remained gloomy.
The trace of worry lessened slightly, as the cantrip took effect.
It lessened slightly during the "more - in - sorrow" second Pravda.
Farrell had the wallet out now, his upper body turned to face the boy, feeling the knife's pressure lessen slightly.
The spark of fury in her eyes lessened slightly, though her cheeks still blazed with it.
"I'm sorry," she murmured, and the air of tension in the cabin lessened slightly.
Sexual interactions between people without plans to marry was considered unacceptable, with betrothal slightly lessening the stigma.