Perhaps I may have hoped to save him from what men call the graver and angels the lesser consequences of his folly.
He has a problem with pace, devoting equal amounts of space to matters of greater and lesser consequence.
I chose the latter as having the lesser consequence.
I can't say that the way I'm portrayed is of no consequence, but it's of lesser consequence than the music itself.
So you may meet death more often than in other MUDs, but with lesser consequences.
All of those thugs had been free-lance mobsmen of lesser consequence.
Others were of lesser consequence: thick-crusted pecan pie too heavy with corn syrup and chocolate cream pie just routine.
A crime of lesser consequence in itself, it had proven heinous, for it was the direct cause of more deaths than one.
The rest of them were all persons of lesser consequence.
A helicopter crashed that day, too, though with lesser consequences.