She had followed a personal vengeance, had struck out first against a lesser foe.
In addition to countless lesser foes, each level generally contains several "bosses" which must be defeated in order to proceed.
Had I returned alive from an engagement with a lesser foe, your underlings surely would have executed me immediately on charges of cowardice.
Many yards and points against lesser foes resulted.
Knights on horseback, in open fields, dealing with lesser armed and less-armored foes were a deadly force.
It was obvious that they both regarded Cliff as a lesser foe.
He needed to give them direct combat experience against a lesser foe than the Monsters, to sift out and toughen his most effective troops.
The Rangers played well both nights, better than in some victories over lesser foes.
Our strategy is to make his money worthless and turn our lesser foes into our friends.
Jimmy has Pop set up fights with lesser foes.