In interviews, several commission members expressed a somewhat lesser level of alarm while saying they understood the reasons for the President's concerns.
This tradition still survives to this day, although at a lesser level than before.
I agree with the earlier comments: treks through wonderful vistas but call for a lesser level of fitness.
We go on with it, and lead another life on a lesser level.
This event may repeat itself many times with a greater or lesser dynamic level, thereby expanding his music resources.
"You're going to get hurt and on a lesser level, we'll get canceled."
Fortunately, at lesser levels, we can enjoy alcohol with apparent health benefits.
Now the dance and the noise around them had picked up again, though at a lesser level of energy.
They regard them as venerable, but on a lesser level than the 39 books of the Hebrew canon.
Therefore, the federal government continues to exercise all competences not explicitly dedicated to the lesser levels.