There are, for sure, many lesser spin-control measures.
When lesser measures are inadequate, or problematic conduct persists, appropriate use of a block can help achieve this in four important ways:
First, lesser measures to moderate his conduct have failed.
When lesser measures can no longer control the pain and disability of arthritic knees, surgery to reconstruct or replace them then becomes a consideration.
Four other inspectors face departmental hearings that could lead to lesser disciplinary measures.
Several lesser measures, including asking stores to stay open one night a week and employers to be more generous in wage negotiations, were also announced.
Their champions all seem to get approximately the same abilities, in greater or lesser measure.
Thus the islands too felt, if in lesser measure, the impact of the "Great Catastrophe".
Several other states are debating lesser measures to curb union rights.
The workers of Jiamusi turned to protest only after realizing that lesser measures were getting them nowhere.