The ship should be here, yet if I recalled rightly there were four big rivers flowing into the two sounds, and a number of lesser streams.
From the Wasatch and Aquarius Plateaus on the west come other, but lesser, silt-laden streams, all carving the deep, winding canyons which have given this country its name and developed a weirdly dissected landscape.
There the white Snowbourn, joined by the lesser stream, went rushing, fuming on the stones, down to Edoras and the green hills and the plains.
A lesser, but steady, stream of weary, tipsy East Berliners was heading home.
Separating into lesser streams, they pedaled toward the indoor track, the gymnasium and the light-filled badminton palace in Hangzhou, a lakeside city in Zhejiang Province in east-central China.
One great room welcomed a dozen major rivers, plus at least thirty lesser streams.
Once it had been fair and green, and through it the Isen flowed, already deep and strong before it found the plains; for it was fed by many springs and lesser streams among the rain-washed hills.
Hampton Roads, the natural harbor where the James River and several lesser streams meet Chesapeake Bay, has had a balcony seat for history.
Scores of rivers and lesser streams ran down from the central plateau so that the soil could fulfill its promise.
Mists and lesser streams off the Linn gave fresh water to the rim of its bowl.