Each lesson contains new words, basic sentences for each of the new words, revisionary sentences, a second section of new material and a situational conversation.
Each lesson contains multiple sentences that you can click on to learn how to say that sentence.
The results are so bizarre that the reader can only puzzle over what it means "to craunch a marmoset," or the exact lesson contained in proverbs like "nothing some money, nothing Swiss".
The lessons contained in these 20 tracks can be viewed as enlightening, or sappy, depending on your point of view.
A large part of the Notre Dame franchise is the moral victory, the emotional victory, the great lesson contained within a loss.
As The Varsity points out, the lessons contained in the curriculum seem to be about creating a safe environment for all children and are "clearly aimed at preventing bullying.
Yet the fundamental lesson of October 1987 sticks: A prompt and sensible infusion of credit can contain the panic and stave off recession.
Because of this fact, this lesson will contain bad words.
The lesson or principle contained in or taught by a fable, story, or event.
Regular English lessons contain key sentences for many different scenarios that are used in everyday life.