In another essay Ellmann evinces sympathy for the "premonitory shiver" that many writers feel before dying, and gives a few lessons on how not to write a life - lessons so amply illustrated with examples of lives gone wrong that one can't help thinking of Joyce's description of biographers as "biografiends."
Perestroika, so runs the lesson from Eastern Europe brilliantly illustrated by Mr. Garton Ash, can be implemented only by citizens.
Ready to use with your KS3 students this spring term, Geography teacher Tony Cassidy's lesson illustrates the general geological theory of tectonic boundaries by discussing the actual causes of the...
The lessons that immigrant children teach their parents about Thanksgiving illustrates the larger role these children often play in interpreting American culture for their elders.
As the United Nations debates the future role of the beleaguered military mission in Bosnia and prepares to send in reinforcements, these contradictory lessons from Tuzla illustrate the limits of peacekeeping in a state at war with itself.