There are already plenty of people whispering that I must be your puppet for having let you into the city in the first place.
You think Selene's safety board would let a poisonous critter into the city?
"We must open the gate, let the tytans into the city."
He returned to Zarahemla but the people would not let him into the city.
He left the school and walked to the gates that would let him into the city of the Caesars.
"And even more curious," he continued, "it was the same guard, Jierdan, that let us into the city."
At the bottom of the tunnel one more pressure door let us into the city.
Yes, he was there, but they didn't let him into the city.
Sulla's men opened the gates and let their master into the city.
And if they should come from the east-well, no one is going to let border levies into the city.