There were so many terrors in the world outside her home, which ranged from lethal accidents and drunken drivers to the random, senseless violence now pervasive in America.
Dissenters were rare, due primarily to the overabundance of lethal accidents which haunted the exponents of discontent.
Investigating the cause of several lethal accidents, they discover the culprit to be a laboratory-designed monster, created from chemically enhanced human cancer cells.
Originally, it was pulled by a steam engine, until 1963, when a lethal accident forced it to close for a five-year period.
Steps could be taken to ensure Brognola's silence, anything from not-so-subtle blackmail to a lethal "accident."
Appalled, he felt the kind of dread fascination with which one approaches a lethal accident.
Climbing the rigging was inherently dangerous in this weather, and an anxious sailor faced with buzzing St. Elmo's fire ran the risk of a lethal accident.
The overwhelming attack suggested considerable tolerance for the possibility of a lethal accident.
Lee's Parents, after losing Lee in a tragic lethal accident, wanted to commemorate the life of their daughter who enjoyed reading.
An effective signalling system with automatic speed control will help to avoid lethal accidents and will further improve the safety level of rail transport.