Four days after a lethal assault on protesters by paramilitary forces, a village in southern China remained under heavy police lockdown on Saturday.
But, with the body count ratcheting upward, it followed by less than two weeks the previous most lethal assault, the shooting of six soldiers at another checkpoint.
"Those who survive such a long and lethal assault," he writes, "emerge with at least a small piece of truth, some little lesson, a sliver of light."
The authorities revealed that this was no spur-of-the-moment attack; the boys had been plotting their lethal assault in a journal of hatred for a year.
But it sometimes takes time for the attacker to get everything into place for the final lethal assault.
Following their programmed directives, the three-man units moved into the hold and took up positions for a second and more lethal assault.
It was Nith Nassam who had joined him in his final, lethal assault on Nith Sahor.
Those were the "perfectionist caucus" members, as Mr. Gingrich snidely put it before the midterm election when his power did not seem under lethal assault.
The pheasants quarrel territorially over the very ground across which 14,000 of Lee's troops advanced in the desperate, lethal but futile assault known as Pickett's Charge.
Was it sizing up the Chandley at this moment, determining the best avenue for a lethal final assault?