Toa Matoro's Icebreak weapons are similar to sniper rifles, with the ability to shoot lethal blasts at the expense of recharge time.
A lethal blast screamed down the only eastbound street not blocked by flames as the gunners jerked their lanyards, then snatched up their own rifles.
When in this position, the player could fire a lethal nuclear blast instead of the standard shots when in the normal position.
A lethal blast of crystalline splinters slammed into the stone wall to Greg's right.
Even if Weyoun struck him with a lethal blast of energy.
Without the slightest pause, he fired a lethal blast into the chest of Duncan's father.
During the training mishap with Armory he exhibits the ability to create an energy ball that deflects the lethal blasts from Armory's Tactigon.
"He could probably walk into the average kitchen, reach under the sink for household stuff and put together something with a lethal blast."
Hardball creates an energy ball to deflect the lethal blasts from Armory's Tactigon while Gauntlet stops her.
And in the control room, to Sawtelle, "Needle-beam cover, please; set for minimum aperture and lethal blast.