Then the reactor exploded and the usual prevailing wind delivered a lethal concentration of fallout on Petrovsk.
There is no strong odor or immediate irritation to warn of lethal concentration in air.
It was simply too dense, with lethal concentrations of carbon dioxide and even oxygen.
Zeisl filled a syringe with a lethal concentration of morphine.
You will inform it that this entire planet is to be sub-jected to a lethal concentration of neutron radiation.
Fatty alcohols are not very volatile and the acute lethal concentration is greater than the saturated vapor pressure.
After 20 exhumations, six cadavers had evidence of a lethal concentration of Pavulon.
Assuming a lethal concentration of gamma rays is in fact after us, it will arrive at our neighborhood about seven and a half years later.
Preliminary reports say that the death was caused by a lethal concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the air.
After entering Kuwait, he said, the equipment detected lethal concentrations of mustard agent.