In the past, Stuve-Wiedemann syndrome was thought to be a lethal condition in all cases.
The camp's survival rate was low because of its lethal conditions, including starvation, disease, hard labor and wanton brutality.
At the end of the day, 11 patients survived their otherwise lethal conditions, and only one succumbed to her underlying illness.
This is a very lethal condition and has been responsible for a great many accidents and much loss of life.
Like everyone else, Hitler sweltered through the nearly lethal conditions.
The explosion and ensuing flood caused extensive damage and lethal conditions in the basement.
Heart disease is raging, as are arteriosclerosis and various lethal cerebrovascular conditions.
In addition, several rapidly lethal medical conditions present themselves with common psychiatric symptoms.
Learn about this potentially lethal condition.
This leaking, known as bacterial "translocation", is very dangerous and can lead to lethal conditions such as sepsis.