The crews of military combat vehicles face numerous lethal hazards which are both diverse and constantly evolving.
Ditches and culverts were potentially lethal hazards for any car that veered off course.
Last week its investigators toured the terminal and found potentially lethal hazards.
They didn't have him yet by any means, and cornering the Executioner could be a lethal hazard in itself.
It might be welcomed by cyclists and motorcyclists to whom potholes present a particularly lethal hazard.
However, by 1966 the lethal hazards of a high-pressure 100-percent-oxygen environment such as Apollo 1's had been thoroughly described in American scientific publications.
At spate/flood stage, even rapids which are usually easy can contain lethal and unpredictable hazards.
Some of the narrowest trails have been sabotaged with cords tied across them, a potentially lethal hazard to bicyclists.
Inadequate medical care can also pose a lethal hazard, and not just in the impoverished nations of sub-Saharan Africa.
Cloud suck is also a concern for powered aircraft, but usually not a lethal hazard, except in extreme weather situations.