To invest fifteen minutes in making a new axe was a lot better than spending all day carrying a lethally sharp blade in your bare hands.
The edge was lethally sharp, the balance magnificent.
Although lethally sharp, you need to draw the blade in so you cut at the target a bit.
His astute understanding of those around him makes him observant and lethally sharp in guessing the motives and intent of others.
The tip looked as lethally sharp as ever.
"Whoa, wait a minute, ma'am" - he began, seeing that she held a long-bladed and lethally sharp bowie knife.
The fangs and claws were lethally sharp and told her exactly what would happen to a woman careless enough to stumble onto a live one.
Kit hung onto his nerve and faced down a lethally sharp beak as the giant pterosaur swooped directly toward them.
Dozens of lethally sharp pencils stood in a Lucite holder.
Honed on one side only, the long, slender, lethally sharp sashimi-bocho and the squarish nakiri-bocho take some getting used to.