He sent his son a letter, attacking him for leaving Oxford without a degree and failing to take up a proper career, such as a civil servant or lawyer.
Zenith also inundated shareholders with letters attacking Nycor.
Her brother Bernard Coleridge wrote her a long letter attacking Adams.
He wrote letters sternly attacking the doctrine of the trinity.
In my community there wasn't one phone call, there wasn't one letter attacking us.
In January 1999, he wrote a letter attacking President Clinton's critics, calling their pursuit "murky, unprecedented and partisan."
The same day, you published a letter attacking the Supreme Court decision on affirmative action for women.
In 1972 he published an open letter attacking the leadership and beliefs of the Nation of Islam.
Last year the bishops issued a pastoral letter attacking inequitable distribution of land.
Junius, Letters of, a series of letters attacking British political figures.