Then green letters displayed: Your order cannot be processed.
If teams are tied at the end of the second round, a mystery seven-letter word is shown with the first and last letters displayed.
When unrolled each displays a letter, which the rest of the team must key into a combination lock to open a safe and gain the clue.
Chesterfield, impressed by the language, kept the letter displayed on a table for anyone to read.
Ms. Watkins's letter displayed a firm grasp of the arcana of accounting.
When a user presses a letter on the surface, the embedded sensors send a signal to the Palm telling it which letter to display.
Watson's early letters to his father and sisters displayed the difficult process he endured to join his regiment.
He moved it to touch Grendelsbane, and neat letters displayed the Alliance strength in the system.
Kira took the padd and scanned its contents, reading through the list of names, orange letters displayed on a black background.
Only rarely are they discussed with the combination of high seriousness, open irritability and occasional good humor that these letters display.