One group of four shirtless young men, in fact, spelled out her first name, each with a letter emblazoned on his chest.
But these fliers arrived in Better Business Bureau of Northern New Jersey envelopes, accompanied by letters emblazoned with the bureau's trademarked "torch" logo.
She might not have a scarlet letter emblazoned on her chest, but her lips were still moist and swollen from Tristan's kisses, her hair tumbled from his caresses.
All were dressed in dark blue uniforms bearing the Portlyn name in large, stylized letters emblazoned on the backs.
Spot showed up in letters, newspaper advertisements, even emblazoned on the nose cone of the Ariane rockets that carried PanAmSat's satellites aloft.
The silent command flashed across the Wraith's viewscreenin fire-white letters, emblazoned with Navajo thunderbolts and Starfleet danger symbols.
As he drove west toward Studio City, he thought of the red letters emblazoned on the black T-shirt worn by the attendant at the Post parking lot: FEAR NADA.
You get a letter in the mail, a letter emblazoned with the gut-wrenching acronym, IRS.
A large blue van with white letters a foot high emblazoned on the side SDC's id is parked just outside the tape.
He re-focused on the wagon-train, panned left along its length to the forward command car and found three large white letters emblazoned on the side - RVR, the abbreviated code and call-sign for Red River.