The letter hinted that he had raped her on the train to Tambov.
Neither letter even hinted that a Jesuit was a soldier.
The letter hinted at the sort of behind-the-scenes deal-making that court watchdog groups have for years described as commonplace.
The letters hint that Mlle.
The letter also hinted that the ABC's proposed Moscow bureau could be jeopardised by the sketch.
The mailer's letters hinted at the danger.
The open letter, published in a newspaper, hinted strongly that Italian filmmakers should henceforth be more upbeat - especially if they wanted to continue receiving government subsidies.
Perhaps in a sort of semi-visibility other letters were there, at least hinting themselves.
Though the faxed letter from the public relations agency hinted at a close relationship, it offered no proof.
With utmost gentleness, the letter hinted His understanding and his deep regret.