A preliminary letter listed several issues that IRS wanted to clarify.
For example, the letter lists health risks associated with inhaling formaldehyde and reactions that have been reported when people used the product as directed.
The letters listed numerous allegations of sexual misconduct as the basis for the excommunication.
The letter listed two entries from Mr. Fuentes's address book.
Ms. Shure's letter listed 13 steps United must take in the next 120 days to avoid more penalties.
The letter will list the conditions that you must comply with.
Stern's letter, which was also sent to reporters, lists the owners' additional concessions offered in Denver.
The first letter in the file, signed by the tenants, was dated almost two years ago and lists twenty-seven specific complaints.
This letter also listed various personal details of this persons' deceased father.
The first letter lists the engine used, the second the specific type, and the third the general series.