Ami switches the "r" and the "e" and then fattens all the letters to match the botched ones.
The letters and numbers you entered did not match the image.
Just one more step - but letters do not match, the fragile structure blows up and the brown mole falls into a digital abyss.
If this new letter matched the first letter, I would have the platen because the positions would coincide.
If your letters match the ones in the distorted image, you pass the test.
The first letters of all 26 issues match the 26 collected letter blocks exactly.
Under current practice, the first letter must match the initial letter of the railroad name.
Irregularities, where a letter does not match the romanized heading, are placed in parentheses.
Yet the letters do not match Maybrick's handwriting, even though they use the American phrases Maybrick certainly would have known.
The only limitation is that the first three letters or numbers must match one of the local exchanges in your area.