On Dec. 26, when we heard the agreement was imminent, we wrote a letter objecting to it.
Woodall joined fifteen of his colleagues in signing a letter objecting to the President's decision to move forward on these four appointments without Senate confirmation.
Members of the movement sent a letter objecting to cession to the Colonial Office in London.
About a third of the college's faculty members signed a letter objecting to Ms. Rice's appearance.
Truman even wrote a letter objecting to the actor who had portrayed him in the original scene.
BP and other oil industry groups wrote letters objecting to a proposed MMS rule last year that would have required stricter safety measures.
More principals across New York State have signed a letter objecting to the state's principal and teacher evaluation system.
As of Sunday night, 1,046 principals had signed a letter objecting to New York State's system of teacher evaluations.
Eighty-five more principals have signed on this week to a letter objecting to the state system for teacher evaluations, bringing the total to 841.
About 25 requests for a public inquiry have been received, and Buckinghamshire county council has received about 200 letters objecting to it.