In early spring, when I put in my first lettuce crop, there are not that many grown slugs around to eat it, and the eggs have yet to hatch.
By late summer, the time when my second lettuce crop is emerging, the slugs are fully grown and ravenous.
The union says the wife of Judge William Lehnhardt was among hundreds of local residents who volunteered to help harvest the area's lettuce crop in the 1979 strike and contends this proves bias, a contention the judge denies.
Fruit and vegetable prices soared 42.6 percent in November because of a blight that virtually wiped out California's lettuce crop.
The president of the Nunes Company said that test results of irrigation water used on some of its lettuce crops showed that the E. coli found last week was not the dangerous type known as O157:H7.
Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) is a typical potyvirus (genus Potyvirus, family Potyviridae), which causes one of the major virus diseases of lettuce crops worldwide.
This provides the primary inoculum in lettuce crops.
In the late twentieth century, a novel type of LMV appeared in lettuce crops around the world.
Agriculture officials said that the Salinas Valley had lost about half of its lettuce crop and that artichoke farmers had also suffered much damage.
He is also a vegetarian, having his very own lettuce crop near his cave.