Achieving Fellow status in the chemical profession denotes to the wider community a high level of accomplishment as a professional chemist.
Achieving chartered status in any profession denotes to the wider community a high level of specialised subject knowledge and professional competence.
Resources are provided to assist students of all ability levels achieve their fullest potential.
Some are beginning to show evidence of decay in the activity levels achieved and the associated staff performance.
At the time of the announcement, output and sales had already met or exceeded levels achieved before the recession began.
No matter how high a somec level they achieved, she was higher.
The most stringent policy document advocating the best practice is only as good as the level of compliance achieved.
Many consider the golden era of the club to be in the early 1980s when the level of success achieved was renowned throughout cycling.
The level of awareness of the seriousness of the ills has not yet achieved great remedies.
Students can also withdraw at any stage, leaving with the highest level achieved qualification.