Richard Haymaker, father of Webb Haymaker, said the judge's "common-sense, level-headed approach" had contributed to the different result in the civil case.
He has a calming influence on the players around him, a confidence borne of experience, a level-headed approach to his new job.
On the whole, once it was clear the Lutherans would prevail, Danes took a level-headed approach to terminating monasteries.
Agassi appears to have a sensible, level-headed approach to his career, but even he may not anticipate the ramifications of his success.
He did not allow his superior intellect and government positions to influence his level-headed approach to life.
A surprising, appealing reservoir of impulsive girlishness lurks beneath Ms. Hay's level-headed, even hard-headed approach to her career.
These requires an ability to relativize things, and a level-headed approach.
Mr President, may I say that both the committee and the rapporteur have taken a very balanced and level-headed approach to this issue.
In his discussion of treatment options, Mr. Grodeck takes a level-headed approach.
Your wit and level-headed approach will be very much missed.