Your boss will look much more favorably on a cool, level-headed person who presents the facts in a logical fashion without interjecting personal issues.
Malien was the most level-headed person she know.
By the way, I am not a sycophant, but a level-headed intelligent person who knows justice and injustice when she sees it.
She was such a level-headed, dynamic person; and to be taken in by a scut like him.
Sakura is often seen as the serious, level-headed person in the group and barely ever smiles.
Faith is pretty and smart and probably the most loyal, level-headed person I know.
Lady Jaye was a more mellow and level-headed person compared to her comic book incarnation, but she did occasionally display a potent temper.
'I don't know how you've managed to carry all of this around with you for so long and still be a relatively sane, level-headed person.'
Despite her deliberately provocative ways, I soon discovered in Miss Gillespie a competent, capable, level-headed young person, not at all given to flights of fancy.
Angua is an extremely practical and level-headed person.