On the other hand, very common words are easily recognised - their lexical representations indicate recognition with the use of less data.
The ventral pathway shows phonological representations to the lexical or conceptual representations, which is the meaning of the words.
The method of lexical representation used was one which allowed efficient representation and search.
Thus it seemed clear that the lexical representation used for matching should already include a great deal of information about the word's possible phonetic realisations.
They would argue that the input should not be segmented into primitive units and then matched against the lexical representation.
This extension of the lexical representation from single words to pathways opens up a number of possibilities.
The mental lexicon is a construct used in linguistics and psycholinguistics to refer to individual speakers' lexical, or word, representations.
Scientists also study the areas of the brain involved in lexical representations.
It is possible for lexical representations in the L1 to be influenced by the semantic potential of corresponding items in the L2.
There is no need to represent vowel length in lexical representations.